Rumical LCS


Rumical CS is a high-energy rumen-protected fat, made by reacting distilled fatty acids and calcium to produce a rumen-insoluble fat supplement.

What is Benefit of Rumical CS?
  • Provide energy for increased daily milk production
  • Improved fertility
  • Enhanced body condition and general health of ruminants
  • Increase the fat content in milk.
Why to feed Rumical CS?

Dairy cows often get metabolic disorders and low milk productions during lactating periods because the animals don’t have adequate feed supply and use only the food reserves from their body. Research and practical experience on farms showing that Rumical CS is being used to solve the problem and increase the yield of milk production

Rumical CS increases energy supply and is targeted to improve energy balance and reduce body condition loss of dairy cows to increase the probability of successful pregnancy

Rumical CS improved fertility. It increases production of progesterone, which is necessary hormone for pregnancy. Also, it improves quality of eggs and development of embryos.

When to feed Rumical CS ?

Feed 3 weeks prior calving and feed continue through lactation

Feeding Recommendations (per animal):
Dairy cows:
3 weeks prior calving 110 – 230 g/day
After pregnancy confirmation 340 – 500 g/day
Medium milk yielder 300 – 500 g/day
High milk yielder 300 – 500 g/day
Production of Meat (Cows): 200 – 300 g/day
Lactating Goats and Ewes: 100 – 150 g/day
Promoting Growth in Young Animals 3% of feed intake

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